This archive contains all past columns. E-mails pointing out any mistakes are much appreciated.
Index Detailed list of problem types, composers, and miscellanea.
SEASON 1 (June 2012 - January 2014)
01 Introduction and Triple Loyds 02 The Double Whammy 03 Proof Games 4.0 04 The Old Switcheroo 05 Another Trio of Triple Loyds 06 Board Domination 07 The Double Whammy: Reloaded 08 Proof Games: Beware of Impostors 09 Rotating Quadruplexes 10 Switcheroo Twins 11 Triple Loyd: Black Pieces 12 Illegal Positions: Who’s the Goof? 13 Double Whammies: The One-Two Punch 14 Proof Games: Mysterious Captures 15 Eight Officers 16 Switcheroos: Flick the Switch 17 Secrets of Triple Loyds 18 Eight Officers: First Rank 19 Illegal Positions: Return of the Goof 20 Double Whammy: Rock’em Sock’em 21 A Holiday Visit to the Normal Side 22 Proof Games: Vanishing Queens 23 Switcheroos: Make the Switch Today 24 Average Mobility: A Puzzling Calculation 25 Triple Loyds: Obtrusive Pieces 26 Illegal Positions: Mission Impossible 27 Three Multiplexes 28 Next Exit: Whammyville 29 Proof Games: Who Took What Where? 30 Chess Mysteries in a Retro World 31 Switcheroo Octuplets 32 Triple Loyds: Men in Black 2 33 Retractors: Takeback Granted 34 Illegal Positions: Goofing Down 35 Double Whammy: Play It Again, Sam 36 Sixteen Pieces 37 Anniversary Six-Pack 38 Proof Games: Runaway Queen 39 Sixteen Pieces: Part 2 40 Are You Ready For A Switch? 41 Three More Triple Loyds 42 Return To A Retro World 43 One Goof Leads To Another 44 Two Whams Are Better Than One 45 Retractors: Find the Missed Mate 46 Proof Games: Phantom Captures 47 Switcheroo Icosuplets 48 Helpmates: Black to Play and Lose 49 Three Triple Loyds To Go, Please 50 October Whammyfest 51 New Goofs and Old Mistakes (Errata 1-50) 52 Proof Games: Queenside Fianchetti 53 Double Royal Loyds 54 Puzzlers Cup 2013 Awards Ceremony 55 Cyclotrons: The Next Generation Switcheroo 56 Triple Loyds: Men In Black 3 57 New Year's Ride to the Normal Side 58 Retro World III: Two Last Moves Ago 59 Queenfest: A Royal Heyday 60 Queenfest II: Second to None
SEASON 2 (July 2014 - May 2015)
61 Season Two: Back in Black 62 Chessboard Smorgasbord II 63 Queenfest III: We Will Rock You 64 Proof Games: In The Pudding 65 Bring on the Whammy 66 Retractors: Overlooked Mates 67 A Handful of Pieces 68 Four Board Smorgasbord 69 Chess Mazes: Toronto Style 70 Minor Niner 71 Minor Convenience 72 Mate Tricks and Retro Treats 73 The Number 64 74 Cyclotronic Joyride 75 Puzzlers Cup: The Big Day 76 Smorgasbord V: December Sweets 77 Proof Games: Switchback City 78 A Few Cheerful Days on the Normal Side 79 Smorgasbord VI: Winter Games 80 Alekhine's Whammy 81 The Dude Abides 82 The Five Coin Dudeney 83 Rook Hooks and Queen Treks 84 Retro World IV: The Pre-existence of Being 85 Smorgasbord VII: Ides Of March 86 Rook and Knight Pairs 87 Queenfest IV: Breaking Free 88 Proof Games: Back to Start 89 Cyclotronic Overdrive: Gearing Up 90 Queenfest V: Harem Scarum 91 Mother's Day: Smorgasbord VIII 92 Cyclotronic Overdrive: Spinning On 93 Queenfest VI: Peaceful Coexistence
SEASON 3 (February 2016 - May 2017)
94 Season Three Premiere 95 Cyclotronic Overdrive: Topping Out 96 How You Were Inverted: Diving Head First 97 Take the Leap Today: Smorgasbord IX 98 Marching On: Smorgasbord X 99 Proof Games: Moriarty's Challenge 100 The Hundred Move Rule 101 How You Were Inverted: Hands Down 102 April In Ape City: Smorgasbord XI 103 Proof Games: Bring on the Hound 104 The Whammy Machine 105 How You Were Inverted: Falling to the Sky 106 The Return of Queenfest 107 Amazing Days of May: Smorgasbord XII 108 Proof Games: From the Top 109 How You Were Inverted: While His Guitar 110 Queenfest VIII: Still Counting 111 Juneteenth: Smorgasbord XIII 112 Proof Games: Back We Go 113 Loyds and Voids: Beat the Doldrums 114 Whammy Tickets Sold Here 115 Quintil the 1st: Smorgasbord XIV 116 Maximizing Fun 117 Proof Games: Point B to Point A 118 Spheroids, Loyds, and Voids 119 Cyclotrons: Thinking in Circles 120 Hail Caesar: Smorgasbord XV 121 Proof Games: Whatever Happened 122 Loyds and Rhomboids 123 Unbitrium: Smorgasbord XVI 124 Escape from the Usual: Smorgasbord XVII 125 Proof Games: Getting Here From There 126 Cyclotronic Mindwarp: The Thrill of Neural Acceleration 127 Dead Reckoning 128 Cyclotronic Mindwarp: Dizzy Miss Lizzy 129 Proof Games: How Did It Go? 130 Cyclotronic Mindwarp: Chessboard Vertigo 131 Proof Games: Rated PG 132 Cyclotronic Mindwarp: Spiraling Into Control 133 Year of the Rebus 134 Androids, Loyds, and Voids 135 April Fools: Smorgasbord XVIII 136 Proof Games: Elusive Tempi 137 Victoria Day: Smorgasbord XIX
SEASON 4 (September 2017 - October 2018)
138 Season 4 Premiere 139 Proof Games: Rookless Homebase 140 Loyds Voids and Asteroids 141 Proof Games: Rookless Homebase Pronkins 142 Rook and Bishop Pairs 143 Queen and Knight Pairs 144 One Gross of Unrequited Whammies 145 Dead Serious 146 Raise an Index: Smorgasbord XXI 147 Average Mobility: An Inspired Recalculation 148 Rebus: A Puzzle From Things 149 Dead as a Doornail 150 Mother of All Rebuses 151 King of the Loopers 152 Proof Games: Artificial Happenings 153 Loyds, Voids, and Freud 154 Proof Games: Artificial Fruits of Labour 155 Loopology I: One Piece Double Loops 156 Loopology II: Two Piece Double Loops 157 Proof Games: Artificial Non-Reality 158 Loopology III: Three Piece Double Loops 159 Loyds, Void, and Decoyed 160 Loopology IV: Multi-piece Double Loops 161 Dog Days: Smorgasbord XXII 162 Loopology V: Two Piece Single Loops 163 Proof Games: Tempo Here, Tempo There 164 Loopology VI: Three Piece Single Loops Part 1 165 Inverted Logic: Thinking Inside Out 166 Loopology VII: Three Piece Single Loops Part 2 167 Orange Blossoms: Smorgasbord XXIII 168 Loopology VIII: Multi-Piece Single Loops Part 1 169 Proof Games: The Vanishing Game 170 Loopology IX: Multi-Piece Single Loops Part 2 171 Loyds, Voids, and Zebroids 172 Loopology X: Ultimate Loops 173 Season Finale: Smorgasbord XXIV
SEASON 5 (January 2019 - March 2021)
174 Season 5: Glad to be Alive 175 Proof Games: Wandering Kings 176 Dead Letter Office 177 Cyclotronic Life: Reflections on Rotations 178 Smorgas Schmorgas XXVI 179 Loopology XI Single Loops with Unequal Pieces 180 Cyclotronic Life: Queen of the Air 181 Loopology XII: Revised History and Multiloops 182 Proof Games: Illogic of Deception 183 Cyclotronic Life: Around the World in 1123 Days 184 Loopology XIII: Multiloops & Hula Hoops 185 Twenty Twenty: Smorgasbord XXVII 186 Mesh Weavers 187 Proof Games: Hounds of Deduction 188 Rebusland 188x Appendix: Rebus Index 2016-2024 189 Days in the Maze 190 Neural Stumpers: Smorgasbord XXVIII 191 Retro World V: Momentary Lapse in Time 192 Return to Rebusland 193 Mercury Rising: Smorgasbord XXIX 194 A Multitude of Multiambiguity 195 Pseudo-Septuagenarianism: Smorgasbord XXX 196 Cyclotronic Afterlife: Two Hours in Space 197 Retro World VI: A Look into the Future 198 Loopology XIV: End of the Line 199 Peace Buttons 200 Two Hundred: Smorgasbord XXXI
SEASON 6 (July 2021 - )
201 Season 6: Weathering the Storm 202 Rebus Transformations 203 Proof Games: Royal Dances 204 Rebus Upload 01 205 Cyclotrons of the Milky Way 206 Proof Games: Unexpected Reversals 207 Rebus Upload 02 208 Retractors: Plowing Fields 209 Proof Games: Ambitious Bishops 210 Rebus Upload 03 211 Series-Mates: Serious Consequences 212 Ten Years After: Smorgasbord XXXIII 213 Retractors: Taken Aback 214 Proof Games: 200 Proof 215 Rebus Upload 04 216 Series-Mates: Serious Fun 217 Retractors: Back to the Future 218 Smorgasbord XXXIV: Twenty Twenty-two 219 Proving To Be The Case 220 Rebus Upload 05 221 Series Mates: Why So Serious? 222 Smorgasbord XXXV: Two-two-two 223 Inverted Perspectives 224 Proving Ground 225 Rebus Upload 06 226 Retractors: Backtracking 227 Series Mates: Serious Matter 228 Smorgasbord XXXVI 229 Proof of Existence 230 Rebus Upload 07 231 Serious Offence 232 Smorgasbord XXXVII Cutting Edge 233 Proof of Madness 234 Rebus Pieces part 1 235 Serious Stuff 236 Smorgasbord XXXVIII: The Far Side 237 Proof Games: Back to the Egg 238 Rebus Pieces part 2 239 Inverted Loyds with R&B Mates 240 Smorgasbord XXXIX 241 Serious Problems 242 Proof Games: Going Home 243 Rebus Pieces part 3