The Puzzling Side of Chess, by Jeff Coakley

Canadian master Jeff Coakley is author of the popular Winning Chess For Kids books and editor of Scholar’s Mate magazine. He is one of Canada’s leading coaches and a longtime composer and collector of chess puzzles.

The Puzzling Side of Chess presents a wide range of material, featuring original compositions and classic puzzles from the past. Plus cool artwork by Montreal cartoonist Antoine Duff.

“Chess puzzles” are unusual problems with special rules. Well known examples are the knight tour, helpmates, and proof games. They are not standard problems where White plays to force mate or achieve a winning position.
The Puzzling Side of Chess originated on in June 2012 and was published three times per month until May 2015. Unfortunately, the once renowned website is now defunct. But the game goes on. As of February 2016, new columns appear here at All earlier columns, with over 1200 problems, are available in the archives.

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